Namma Neighbourhood News


Namma Neighbourhood News

The Urgent Call for Responsible Teenage Behavior in India

Shreyas T,
(Adi Shankara)
11th grade.
In recent years, India has witnessed a concerning trend: a rise in teenage recklessness and reluctance towards responsibility. From minors speeding on scooters to lazily bypassing safety measures, the landscape is fraught with risks. Teenagers, instead of prioritizing safety, are opting for thrill-seeking behaviors, endangering both themselves and others.

One prominent manifestation of this trend is the increasing disregard for road safety. Many teenagers exhibit reckless driving habits, leading to tragic accidents like the recent incident in Pune where a 17-year-old’s negligent driving claimed two lives. Additionally, the reluctance to use provided safety measures, such as skywalks, showcases a concerning lack of responsibility.

Moreover, the allure of digital devices has further diverted teenagers’ attention away from constructive activities. Instead of investing time in personal development and education, many succumb to the addictive pull of gaming and social media platforms like Instagram.

Furthermore, the influence of media, particularly movies, has normalized toxic behaviors and substance abuse among teenagers, exacerbating the societal issue.

It is imperative for society to address these challenges collectively. By promoting responsible behavior and fostering a culture of safety and accountability, we can strive towards a safer environment for all. It’s time for teenagers to recognize the importance of their actions and contribute positively to society, ensuring a secure and prosperous future for themselves and others.

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