Namma Neighbourhood News


Namma Neighbourhood News

Reverting Soil Compaction for Water Conservation

Ganesh Shanbhag
Software Engineer by Profession, EcoFriend by passion!!
While soil was designed to act as a living organism or sponge, the use of chemicals, insecticides and current planting and tilling practices have compacted the soil, and destroyed the living microorganisms in it. As a result, our natural infrastructure has become impenetrable and ineffective in growing nutrient-rich food or weathering floods and droughts. This results in problems in Aquifer recharge due to Soil Compaction. Soil compaction in simple terms means, Soil has turned into Stone, no longer a sponge to hold water. Over 95% of urban landmass have problems with soil compaction. We have all seen the results, ‘No water in borewells’, ‘Bengaluru is running out of Ground water’

Conventional wisdom says, Soil Compaction is a physical problem. Result of which we over till the soil. But, soil compaction is not a physical problem, it is rather a biological issue. Soil microbes are responsible for stable soil aggregate structure and soil buildup. Also in urban landscapes there is a problem with micro plastics and micro concrete materials.

Reversing soil compaction needs a very methodical approach. It involves chemicals, microbes, fungi and organic matter. As leading researcher in this field, Jerry Brunetti says, ”One way to address soil compaction issues is to apply soil amendments that accelerate flocculation of clay particles in the soil. Amendments with high water-soluble calcium levels and humates are recommended.”
Here are few of the ways the soil compaction in urban landscape can be reversed.
  1. Soluble Calcium Ions (chemistry or ion balance)
  2. Soil Organic Matter (humates)
  3. Plant Root Activity (mucilage)
  4. Microbial Exudates, including Bacteria – biofilms and Mycorrhizal Fungi – glomalin
Calcium ions increase aeration of clay particles thus making it porous. Organic content increases water holding capacity of the soil and also makes it nutrient rich for microbes. This can be achieved easily by Kitchen waste composting. Plant root activity can be related to crop rotations to reduce the chemical fertilisers addition to soil. In urban landscape this means, going with native vegetation instead of ornamental plants. Creation of biofilms enables exchange of nutrients from the nutrient pool. This can be achieved by mulching. Fungi acts as a natural scavenger, then creating a natural ecosystem.

Positive Results were seen by implementation of all these by researchers across the globe. The water percolation per acre increased for 2.1 gallon/ minute to 21 gallon per minute. This increased percolation meant increased soil humidity and a good shallow aquifer.

It’s the right time to ‘Revert the soil compaction we have done in Urban Landmasses’

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