Namma Neighbourhood News


Namma Neighbourhood News

Live without plastic, Change your life drastic

Sauransh Bhargava,
7th Std,
Treamis school.

Reduce plastic footprint.

In our modern world, plastic has become an integral part of daily life. From packaging to personal items, its convenience is undeniable, yet its environmental impact is significant. Taking a day to consciously avoid plastic can be a small but meaningful step towards reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Here’s how we can navigate a day without plastic:

Morning Routine

Toothbrushing: Use a bamboo or compostable toothbrush instead of a plastic one.

Breakfast: Opt for fresh fruits or bulk bin cereals to avoid plastic packaging. Use a reusable container or cloth bag if carrying food.

Beverages: Carry a reusable coffee mug or water bottle to avoid disposable cups and bottles.

Throughout the Day

Shopping: Bring reusable bags for groceries and avoid products with plastic packaging. Shop at farmers’ markets for fresh produce.

Lunch: Pack your meal in a reusable container or beeswax wraps instead of plastic bags or cling film. Use a stainless steel or bamboo utensil set.

Snacks: Choose snacks that come in cardboard, glass, or paper packaging rather than plastic wrappers.

Evening Activities

Personal Care: Use shampoo bars or refillable containers for toiletries instead of plastic bottles.

Dinner: Cook fresh meals using ingredients from bulk bins or shops that use minimal packaging. Avoid takeout containers and plastic utensils.

Additional Tips

Choose Alternatives: Seek out products made from glass, metal, wood, or other sustainable materials instead of plastic.

Spread Awareness: Share your experience and tips with friends and family to inspire others to reduce their plastic consumption.

Living a day without plastic requires conscious choices and planning, but the benefits for the environment are substantial. By adopting these practices, you can contribute to reducing plastic pollution and promote a more sustainable way of living. Start small, but keep challenging yourself to find new ways to minimize plastic in your daily life—it’s a journey worth taking for a cleaner, healthier planet.

Rate Card

8X8 NA NA 1000
8X12 NA NA 1500
12X12 NA NA 2000
12X15 5500 4500 3000
24X15 11000 9000 7500
24X30 22000 18000 15000

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