We have all read about ‘Hole in the OZONE layer’ for a long time. This Ozone layer is at the Stratosphere about 22 kms from the earth surface. Ozone is not a stable gas on the surface due to the additional oxygen atom it carries. However, ozone generated at site has found a very large impact in ‘water recovery’ in the form of waste-water treatment.
Ozone is a highly oxidising agent. It oxidises all the heavy metals in waste water and converts them into compounds which can sediment and can be filtered. Apart from that, Ozone releases the free oxygen radical in the water which destroys all the pathogens in the water. Thus usage of ozone helps fight both Chemical and Biological contamination in the waste water. Urban sewage typically consists of Chemicals in the form of detergents, toilet cleaners and dish washers and Biological contamination in the form of human faeces, urine, blood etc. It is observed that, ozonating the sewage water for a sufficient quantity and time will help in reduction of TSS, BOD and COD parameters of the waste water and making it suitable for flushing, garden, agriculture etc. Even this water can be further tertiary treated to make it potable.
Apartment complexes in Bengaluru use Chlorine for treating both potable water and sewage. Chlorine is a greenhouse gas which causes more ecological impact. However, Ozone can be generated in house, a concentrator pulls up Oxygen and converts to Ozone in the controlled environment. Metropolis Gurukrupa, an apartment complex in Singasandra is using Ozone for converting grey water to flushing reuse water and eventually to potable grade water.
It is always said, ‘Hole in the Sky is the result of Hole on the earth’, referring to drilling of more borewells that lead to holes in the ozone layer. However, the same Ozone can be used to reclaim more water and lead to healing of the ozone layer leading to a better future.