Namma Neighbourhood News


Namma Neighbourhood News

The Teen Talk Column

Aditi Garg,
High School Student
How do you think we can work with our parents to bridge the gap between our generation and theirs?
-Soumya Taparia

Thank you for your question. Boy, can I relate to difficulties in communication with parents; sometimes it feels more like a generational chasm than a gap! However, with adequate patience and effort, it can be bridged to build more loving and trusting relationships.
The key to overcoming this, in my eyes, is communication. Finding a common ground in discussions is essential. Secondly, exploring our parents’ teenage experiences while also introducing them to our world — fashion, music, news, or ideologies — can help us relate to each other better.
Finally, it is paramount to recognise that some differences are unavoidable, and that’s okay! Mutual respect is more important than identical thought. Our generations’ differences can serve as means to enhance parent-adolescent relationships rather than driving a wedge between us.

How do we, as teenagers, cope with all the external pressure we face from society? -Anjistha Hati

Your question is one that I can instantly resonate with. Succumbing to external pressure, whether it’s from peers, family, or society, is something I have fallen victim to innumerable times.
The first step to coping with pressure is acknowledging your feelings. Pressure is unavoidable, so techniques such as mindfulness and journaling always come in handy in situations that overwhelm us.
You must define success on your own terms and figure out what you want, as an individual. Find ample opportunities for self-exploration so you can choose your own distinctive path. Moreover, a close and supportive system teaches us boundary-setting, saying no when required, and accepting a plethora of perspectives when required.
How one responds to persisting external pressure is what makes all the difference.

All the best!

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