- To celebrate International Day for Universal Health Coverage 2022, World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia is organizing an art competition “UHC We Want” to promote ownership and engagement of youth in the Region for UHC; and to raise public awareness on the significance of UHC for health, well-being and quality of human capital. The participants were categorized according to the age groups and also on the medium of the art work. Participants must be under-25 youth, national and resident of Member countries of WHO South-East Asia Region.
- Shanvi K, has bagged 2nd place in the 13-18 years category. Shanvi K pursues art as a passion from Globalart Electronic City, a creative drawing program for kids.
- This painting is titled “The Game of Existence”, it is a fusion of Fantasy and Reality. The Expectation for the future is to have organizations like WHO, World Bank, Government and the youth come together and fight the battle of the unknown to protect people and provide health care irrespective of their socio-economic status.