Narayana Health City, Bengaluru, in association with Neeladri Nagar Residents Welfare Federation, organized a Walkathon to raise awareness about Childhood Cancer. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Sunil Bhat, Vice Chairman of Oncology Services at Narayana Health, along with Dr. Nandini KR, Taluk Health Officer, Mr. Abhishek Ingle, Deputy Commandant – CISF, Electronic City, Mr. Saurabh Bhudhiraj, General Manager, Mr. Anand, Deputy General Manager of Narayana Health, Dr. Punith BR, MD of Care Diagnostics, Mr. Hardik Thakkar, COO of Care Diagnostics, and Mr. Parashuram, President of Neeladri Nagar Residents Welfare Federation. Around 1200 residents participated in a 5-km walk, aimed at raising awareness about childhood cancer among parents and residents. The event also featured a lively Zumba session, engaging both adults and children, who actively took part in the #HopscotchForHeroes challenge to further amplify awareness about Childhood Cancer.