Namma Neighbourhood News


Namma Neighbourhood News

Cyber and Economic Frauds: A Growing Concern

Shubhankar C
In today’s fast-paced digital world, electronic gadgets and internet access have become indispensable. While these advancements offer immense benefits, they also expose users to various risks, especially those unaware of the potential pitfalls.

One major concern is the misuse of internet access among students. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of mobile phones and the internet for online education. However, this habit extended to playing games and subscribing to OTT platforms, often leading to unauthorized or automated payments. Many parents are shocked to discover thousands of rupees deducted from their accounts for game upgrades or streaming services. This highlights the need for parents to monitor their children’s digital activities and educate them on secure online practices.

Similarly, senior citizens often fall victim to elaborate fraud schemes. Fraudsters impersonate police officers or government officials, making alarming claims about money laundering or other legal issues. Using video calls to intimidate victims, they demand payments under the threat of filing FIRs or tarnishing family reputations. It’s crucial to understand that no legitimate authority will initiate investigations through video calls or demand immediate payments. Written notices via postal addresses are the standard procedure for any inquiry.

Another emerging form of fraud is through fake trading and investment platforms. Victims, believing these to be legitimate opportunities, unknowingly transfer large sums to impersonated websites. This underscores the importance of verifying the authenticity of any online platform before making financial transactions.

To safeguard against these frauds, awareness is key. If you receive threatening calls, remain calm and assertive. Ask for written communication sent to your postal address instead of succumbing to pressure. Additionally, report such incidents to the cybercrime helpline at 1930 or the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (cybercrime.gov.in).

By staying informed and vigilant, we can prevent cyber and economic frauds. Empower yourself with knowledge, educate others, and together, we can build a safer digital environment.

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