Dental Awareness Among Public
Do you have any idea about the recommended time frame to consult a dentist? Do you have any idea why your Oral health is very important? Do you have any queries regarding your teeth and dental treatment?
Most of my patients come to me when there is severe pain or a big swelling in the tooth. Now what is in my hands is either going to do complex treatments like RCT or Simple extraction. If they would have consulted at the earliest, the treatment would be simpler and we could have saved the tooth. For simple solutions, because of neglect it would have become complex in the long run
When we need a whole-body physical checkup yearly once, we need a routine dental check up every six months once. Few reasons why people delay their dental checkups are
- Anxiety and Fear of dental treatment
- Cost of dental treatments
- Neglecting dental health
Yes, Dental pain is unbearable. People say pulpal pain is more than cancerous pain. Why neglect the tooth cavity till a pain comes? Prevention is always better than cure. Visit your family dentist regularly with your family and treat your tooth at the earliest.
Other than treatment of your diseased tooth there are many preventive measures like Fluoride Varnish which helps in reducing the cavity formation to an extent.
Maintaining good oral hygiene not only protects your teeth and its supporting structures; it helps in improving your general health. Mouth is the first organ of digestion. When you chew your food and eat, the digestion of your food starts right in the oral cavity. Those people who don’t have a tooth for a long time have indigestion problem as a long-term effect of gulping the food without chewing
Without knowing the root cause, you will be seeing a gastroenterologist for the same. It’s always better to replace your removed tooth as quickly as possible to prevent many side effects of tooth loss.
Similarly in diabetic patients the gum health is directly related to the blood sugar level and vice versa. When you maintain your oral hygiene, indirectly you reduce your blood sugar level also. Similarly, when you maintain your blood sugar level you are indirectly maintaining the periodontal health too. So, for every one of us we recommend a deep cleaning every three months once, for maintaining good gum and bone health.
When you don’t have a beautiful smile, your mental health also drips down. You are not confident enough to speak even to your closed ones. One of the reasons many youngsters don’t mingle socially is because of badly aligned teeth too. Technology has improved a lot. You have a lot of solutions for all the problems you face. When your teeth are aligned and corrected the confidence in you drastically improves for doing your day-to-day life.
Regarding the cost of the treatments, I do agree it’s pretty costly. But our oral health is more important than it’s valued in our society. If you want to eat your favorite food you need your teeth to be healthy. If you want to have a confident smile in your business meetings, you need properly aligned teeth. Dental treatments are relatively costly because of the standard instruments and materials needed for the treatment. To maintain a good standard, we are forced to charge that price.
Mouth is a mirror of the body.
Maintain good oral hygiene. Consult the right expertise for your dental problems whenever necessary.
Lead a Beautiful life with a Beautiful Smile.