Iris Florets International Pre School located in Neo Town, Hulimangala was inaugurated by Dr. Yandamoori Veerendranath, Literacy Genius & State Sahitya Akademi Award Recipient on 30th March. Iris is an international brand that flourished in 3 countries India, Nepal, and Uganda. In 9 years, they have 145+ centers and 100+ national and international awards including the Times of India’s “No. 1 Franchise Model Preschool” as well as “Asia’s Greatest Brand 2017 & Asia’s Greatest Leader 2017” at the Indo-Singapore Business & Social Forum 2018 – Process Reviewers: PricewaterhouseCoopers P.L. held in Singapore in January 2018. Dr. Yandamoori Veerendranath joined by the Chairman of Iris Florets Mr. Sirish Turlapati & Center Directors Dr. Hari Babu & Dr. Ekta Bagadiya.