Namma Neighbourhood News


Namma Neighbourhood News

Yoga: Your Answer to Sustained Healthy Weight Loss ‘An Asana a day keeps belly fat away’

Gayathri Aradhya,
Yoga teacher and Evaluator,
Ashtanga Yoga Centre ,
Electronic City.
Fad diets, skipping meals and a rigorous exercise regimen could help you shed those extra kilos but only for a short period of time. Why, you wonder? The day you return to a normal diet or skip a week of exercise, you will find the weighing scale tipping towards your pre-diet and exercise days. The answer to losing that belly fat and love handles lies in a sustained, holistic, and balanced diet and exercise routine, like yoga.

Yoga and Metabolism
Every yoga practice impacts the digestive and endocrine system, nourishing the organs involved in the metabolic process. For example, yoga Asanas that involve twists and bends improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to the digestive organs, remove toxins and boost gut health. The endocrine system is stimulated, releasing and balancing hormones. This improves the metabolic process. Pranayama and Meditation practices elevate oxygen levels, which also speeds up metabolism.

Yoga and Muscle strength
Regular yoga practice will stretch, stimulate and strengthen the muscles, and even connective tissue. When you hold a yoga posture for a longer duration or repeat a movement several times, the muscles are constantly engaged. Oxygen supply and blood circulation to the muscles improve.

Stimulating the Digestive Fire
The better your digestion, the better your metabolism. Practices that work on the abdomen such as AgniSar and Kapalabati are useful.

Yoga, Stress and its impact on Weight Loss
Stress is the root cause of all problems today. When stress is managed with a practice like yoga, overall functioning and health of the system improves.

Mindfulness and Diet
Yoga leads to physical and psychological changes that support weight loss in a holistic and natural way. With increased awareness, improved mood, and greater self-acceptance and self-esteem, your motivation to stay committed and you will see the wonderful results unfolding!

Improved awareness of the body and mind leads to better choices in diet and lifestyle.

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